Holiday Savings

#1 Best Selling Smart Water Meter Leak Alarm

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Nearly every part of the U.S. experiences periods of reduced rainfall. As of January 14, 2021, the National Drought Mitigation Center reports 100% of the country is experiencing some level of drought, with nearly 50% of the country in a moderate or worse drought condition.

The best way to prepare for a drought is to conserve water.

Do your part to help conserve by increasing your water-awareness:


Conserve with bluebot




As drought conditions across the U.S. and the globe continue to become more extreme, you can do your part to help lessen the effects of the growing water crisis. Make small, sustainable changes to your daily routines. Invest in products and solutions to help reduce and monitor your water usage.

Sources: Drought Monitor,

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Holiday Savings

#1 Best Selling Smart Water Meter Leak Alarm

Regular $539

NOW $499

Limited Time Offer