Holiday Savings

#1 Best Selling Smart Water Meter Leak Alarm

Regular $539

NOW $499

Limited Time Offer

2020 Water Damage Statistics

Discover eye-opening water damage statistics and learn how to protect your property. Get insights on the prevalence and costs of water damage incidents, and find effective solutions with bluebot for early detection and prevention.

Featured on The Tech Panda

Discover bluebot, the revolutionary water monitoring solution featured on Tech Panda. Track your water consumption, detect leaks, and optimize usage with our innovative IoT-enabled device. Take control of your water management and embrace sustainable practices with Bluebot.

Lookout Lab Launches the Bluebot Smart Water App and Device on Indiegogo

Lookout Lab today announced the release of bluebotTM, a unique smart home app and device that helps users finally understand how they use water, and coaches users to help them save both water and money. Bluebot is ideal for consumers, homeowners, property managers, short-term and vacation property owners, and restaurants, hotels and other small businesses

Holiday Savings

#1 Best Selling Smart Water Meter Leak Alarm

Regular $539

NOW $499

Limited Time Offer